For denture wearers who would like to avoid the problems associated with traditional dentures, Dentsply Implants may be your solution. Dr. I. Stephen Brown is dedicated to bringing to his Philadelphia practice technologies that maximize benefit for the patient and eliminate problems. Dentsply’s ATLANTIS™ Conus concept uses computer-aided design to ensure precise fitting, and a more stable solution than virtually any other removable implant-supported prosthesis.
Trust Your Oral Health to Top Periodontist,
Dr. Stephen Brown.
Winner of over 350 awards during 40 years of excellence service.
How the Conus Concept Works
The Conus concept uses the proven technology of dental implants to securely anchor a removable full arch prosthetic. What makes this system special is the innovative ATLANTIS Conus abutments that hold your prosthesis securely in place. Dr. Brown uses 3D imaging and specialized software to individually design each cone-shaped abutment for a perfect fit. This ensures the abutments will be precisely lined up and exactly parallel with each other. The result is a removable prosthesis with the comfort and stability of a fixed restoration.
The prosthesis is then created from the virtual design to fit snuggly over these abutments. It is kept in place by friction.
Advantages of the Dentsply Conus Concept over traditional dentures:
- A stable, comfortable solution
- Easy to remove for cleaning, easy to put back in
- No adhesives
- No pressure on the gums
- Helps retain jawbone mass
- Frees palate for improved sensation during eating
- Chewing and speaking are completely natural
- Your prosthesis will look and feel like permanent teeth
Benefits of Dentsply’s ATLANTIS Conus concept over other implant-secured solutions:
- Much less expensive than a fixed restoration
- More secure than attachments using rubber caps to account for imprecise fit
- Greater angulation correction allows more stable dental prosthesis
- Retention components are virtually wear-free, avoiding replacement costs
The Conus Concept V. Fixed Restorations
Denture wearers have a few options for implant-secured full arch restorations. While the Conus concept is the more affordable choice, many patients prefer the convenience of a fixed restoration. A fixed solution never needs to be removed and is cleaned just like your natural teeth. Dr. Brown favors the GuidedSmile full arch restoration, which relies on 3D imaging to create an optimal surgery plan that simplifies the process and heads off surprises during surgery. GuidedSmile can often eliminates the need for bone grafting and allows for immediate restoration.
Dr. Brown has chosen both of these procedures for their computer-aided precision and their comfort benefits to the patient.
Are implant-supported dentures right for you?
If you are missing all your teeth on either your upper or lower arch, you may benefit from the Conus concept. Dr. Brown will first need to make sure you are healthy enough to receive dental implants. If you would like to discuss the pros and cons of this system as well as fixed restorations, schedule a consultation with Dr. Brown. He’ll thoroughly examine your mouth, discuss your priorities, explain the procedure, and answer any questions you might have.